Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mailed Out Today!

I got my ACEOs done for the EBay swap I'm in. I'm so happy with how they turned out. The first one is called "I Love Watercolors". I'm sending it to someone who does really nice watercolor paintings. It's a little collage done with scrap booking paper, sticker corners, a couple of image clippings, a rub-on word and a heart made of tiny rhinestones. I inked all the edges and sealed it with Modge Podge.
I know the little girl on the card doesn't look like she's enjoying much of anything, but trust me, she loves watercolors! She's just a little bit concerned about painting while wearing her new white dress!

The second ACEO is going to a person who likes Manatees. I'm sure that makes no sense at first glance...this one is much more subtle. If you look closely you'll see "Manatee County Court" above the top dashed line. This one is also made with things from my "goodie box" - images, stickers, rub-ons and a little fabric "hello" patch. I used more inking on this one because I wanted it to have an older "days gone by" kind of look.
Can't you just picture this little tyke running up to the man rocking on the porch in the background? Maybe looking for a story or two. I bet hearing one would have put a huge smile on her sweet little face!
I love making these little cards. Actually I love making a lot of things. Life hasn't allowed many opportunities to create lately. That's why making these (last night) was so nice. I can't wait to get back into my craft room and let the creative juices flow.
With any luck I'll be sharing some new stuff soon!
Today is my sister's birthday~Happy Birthday Emily!!


  1. Hi Marie, thank you so much for visiting me! I will do better checking in, this week with VBS has been a tad busy. But it's great hearing from ya and I'll keep in touch! Blessings to ya.

  2. Dear Marie,
    Email me, on my profile, and I will share with you what I did with the stool re-do!
    Hope your having a wonderful week, and will have a lovely weekend too!
    Donna Lynn


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!