Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Wedding & The Roll-Top Desk

Last week my daughter and I traveled to Michigan to attend the wedding of my niece. It was a very pretty wedding...pale pink and white and elegant. Three walls of windows and the scenery beyond them provided a beautiful backdrop. As the sun set and the daylight disappeared candles and twinkle lights added a lovely sparkle.

The bride was beautiful and I know her parents (my brother and his wife) were excited to see her move into another phase of her life. I'm sure they were also a little sad about the change it will mean in their lives too! I'll certainly be praying for a smooth transition for all of them.

My daughter and I stayed with my mom in her new apartment. She and "Bob" (her cat) recently moved into a "55 or better" community. It's a little bit smaller than her previous home but fortunately there was room for her treasured "roll-top desk" (it was a breadbox in it's previous life).

I know this new place is going to be great for my mom-there are so many things for her to get involved in if she wants to and it's a great area to get out and walk around. The grounds are nicely kept and the lobby, elevators and hallways are clean. Seems like the people are pretty nice too!

Emily - you were right...we had no trouble finding her was the door with the wreath!!


  1. Thanks for you sweet comments and welcome to the world of blogging. I have only been doing this since April - just as my son was about to get married. Weddings are special aren't they?

  2. sounds like a wonderful wedding!! my grandma used to use a bread box as her roll top too!! thats so funny.

  3. the wedding sounded lovely. whadda great idea for the breadbox, a rolltop! i love it! what a wonderful re*purposing idea. have a blessed week*end. hugs, vikki ♥


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!