Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And Then There Were Three!!


Penelope Beane Raymond
March 25th
12:46 AM
10 pounds (!!)
21 1/4 inches

~ anxiously awaiting meeting their new cousin ~
Charlotte (10 months) & Elijah (14 months)


Debbie said...

Congratulations Grandma! She's a cutie! My first was 10 lbs 1 1/2 oz. It was almost like having a month old baby, instead of a newborn. Enjoy her!


CozyGirl said...

Congratulations! She's precious! Have a wonderful day!

Regina said...

Welcome to the world little Penelope!

Simply Shelley said...

Congratulations,she is beautiful...10 lbs...WOW! She is so sweet...Enjoy,Grandma........

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Congratulation 3-time-Grammy! Can't wait to meet the newest addition. I hope Jacqi is doing well too.

Kimberly said...

Marie, congratulations!! 10 lbs... that's nothing! MY first was
10.9, 1/4 and I swear she was coming out sideways! She only got to wear newborn clothes for about a day it seemed!
(My second at 8,10 was a breeze!!)

Blessings, Kimberly

Anonymous said...

She's a DOLL!
And, what an adorable name.
Very unique & sweet. : )
Love her all up at every chance!

Scrap for Joy said...

Congratulations Marie! A beautiful little granddaughter, a gift from God. 10 lbs.! Yikes! Hope Jacqi is doing OK, too. You've had quite a week. Blessings to all of you....grandpa, too!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Congratulations Grammy!!! She is beautiful!!! Be Blessed!~Wendy

Carol said...

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! So sweet!


our shabby cottage said...

Congratualtions on yor new Granddaughter Marie. She is a big baby - no wonder she had a hard labour! Sending you kisses and hugs from Australia!! Kathryn. XXOO