Monday, July 7, 2008

ACEO ~ I Love These Little Cards!

ACEO-Art Cards, Editions and Originals are tiny trading card sized pieces of collectible art, always measuring 2 ½” x 3 ½”. These highly collectible cards are as varied in theme, composition and materials as are larger works of art. They are so much fun to look at, long for and buy! I don't have a large collection...but the ones I have I love!
Today I found out who my partners are in a swap I've joined on Ebay. Soon I'll be receiving two new ACEOs...but, oh boy, even better...I'll be making two new ones to send to other collectors. I really enjoy making them. I especially like to create little collages. It is so relaxing to rummage through my "stuff" looking for just the right things to complete my little least that's what they are to me.

I made this ACEO about a year ago. Isn't she sweet? Doesn't she look like a "peaceful" little soul?
Resting on His promises isn't easy, in fact, it's often difficult...especially in our lives of constant activity. So many things we need to do. So many things that we'd like to do. Who has time to rest!! I surely don't. But that's exactly when we must sit down and rest in the knowledge that God who put the needs and desires in our lives and our hearts will complete His work in His time (Philippians 1:6). He'll always make sure we have what we need and many times He blesses us with what we want too!

I also made this ACEO about a year ago. It was on "one of those days". You know the kind. I was having a hard time remembering God's promises...all I really wanted was for "my fairy godmother" to come and wash the floors! She of course didn't. But, God sent someone else who did...and that was a blessing indeed! Bet you want to know was my husband. He's a pretty good guy!


  1. I love those little ACEO cards too! I count it a wonderful blessing to own the "Fairy Godmother" created by my very best long time friend!

    Great blog & beautiful babies, Marie! I'll enjoy reading more!


  2. These are gorgeous! I love the vintage feel of them (and wish I was better at it myself! LOL)

  3. did you make those?? those are adorable!

  4. Wow, these are really cool. i love them...


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!