Friday, August 22, 2008

ACEO Giveaway! The Prize!

Well, here they are. The ACEOs for my giveaway are complete. These pictures really don't do them justice so feel free to click on each photo and see them larger than life.
This pair will go to the person whose name is drawn first ~ there will also be an extra goodie for them!
The red ACEO is titled "The King" and the brown one is called "Matthew 18:20".

The second pair of ACEOs will go to the next person whose name is drawn. The pink card is called "Giggle" and the blue ACEO is titled "Baby Love". All four are collage art and are made with an assortment of pretty papers, images, rub-ons, glitter & ink. The brown ACEO includes parts of a couple images kindly shared by Dawn at The Feathered Nest.

I really love making these little treasures and I can't wait to give these two pairs away. The winning names will be drawn after 6pm EST on Tuesday, August 26th. I'll post them Tuesday evening. Odds are good right now ~ so if you haven't left a comment yet ~ please feel free to leave one on the original posting...if you mention the ACEOs on your blog you'll get an extra entry. There's still time ~ but remember 6pm EST on August 26th is the cut-off.

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Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!