Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Give-away Update

I just thought of another thing that's really nice about ACEOs.....
They are very inexpensive to mail.
So the winner of my give-away can live in the USA or overseas!!
I'll draw the winner on August 26th after 6:00pm EST,
so make sure you post your comments before then.

Here's one more picture of an ACEO I've made.
It's not part of the give-away though...because it's already been given away!

I'll post pictures of the "mini masterpieces" you'll win next week.

Just to clarify: An ACEO is a trading card (as in baseball) not a greeting card.

ACEO-Art Cards, Editions and Originals are tiny trading card sized pieces of collectible art, always measuring 2 ½” x 3 ½”. These highly collectible cards are as varied in theme, composition and materials as are larger works of art. They are so much fun to look at, long for and buy! I don't have a large collection...but the ones I have I love!

Don't forget to post a comment (here or on the previous post) for a chance to win!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I'm more than a little intrigued by those little things. I'll have to stop by and see them in person. (or win one from you, lol). I hope you're having a blast making them. They look like very rewarding little projects!

  2. Hi Marie,I love that lovely trading card. That is one of my favorite scriptures. Hope you are having a great week...the rain was truly a blessing.



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!