Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My father-in-law LOVES potatoes. Pretty much all kinds. But mashed potatoes are his favorite. He would probably be happy having them four or five times a week....and since he's 90 years old, I figure he can eat anything he wants, whenever he wants it. But there isn't always time to make him fresh, mashed potatoes. I mentioned this to my mom when I was visiting her last month and she mentioned a brand of instant potatoes that she really liked. I tried some and they weren't bad...but I was skeptical about my father-in-law liking them.

Well, I finally picked some up last night and we had them for dinner, along with meat loaf and gravy and a veggie. I asked him if he liked the potatoes and he said he never had red skins mashed up. "Very tasty - I like the little pieces of skin in it" was his comment.

Yea! Mashed potatoes without peeling, cubing & mashing. Now this doesn't mean he won't usually get the real thing....but in a pinch....Idahoan here I come!

Thanks for the tip Mom!

I'm working on the ACEOs for my give-away.
I'll be drawing two names ~ each will receive two trading cards. The first name drawn will also get an extra goodie. I'll be posting pictures of the ACEOs later this week.
Please comment here or here if you'd like to enter the give-away.

1 comment:

  1. It must be a mom thing - my mom recommends these too! She buys the huge boxes from Costco and makes them for family dinners all the time. :)


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