Tuesday, September 16, 2008

**Photo Malarkey

I was visiting Kathryn at her blog, Our Shabby Cottage, and read about her endeavors to get a really good photo taken of her two sons. She wants to have a charcoal drawing done from the photo. What a neat idea! Her boys are so cute ~ she should get a great photo in no time!
**She titled her post Photo Malarkey and it inspired me. Here's some of the malarkey that went on at my house during our photo session on Christmas Day 2006. 
It started off well and then slowly went downhill.
Kathryn, thanks so much for the idea!

What a bunch!


  1. Oh, how funny Marie!!! Just love the photos. I am glad I inspired you!! Thanks so much for the mention too. Hugs to you and yours, Kathryn.

  2. Ah-I love a group who knows how to have a good time!!!! We must laugh every day!
    Smiles to you Marie!

  3. Marie, your photos just made me feel happy. What a group of blessings you have there!


  4. What fun photos! I think it shows their true personalities!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!