Sunday, October 12, 2008

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Well, tonight's my last evening house/pet sitting. The solitude has been wonderful ~ truly. I have enjoyed spending time with a little light reading (five of the eight Love Comes Softly books). The television has been on only six hours or so in the past eleven days...that has been so nice. Chewy and I have taken walks in the evenings with no one else in sight. I've sat at the kitchen island each evening and read my email, visited blogs & websites and posted on my own blog ~ uninterrupted! I've fed the birds and then just sat and watched them eat. I ate a lot of fresh from the garden tomatos ~ yummy! I read my Bible and spent some quality time with the Lord! It's been good ~ but I find that I miss the comedic chaos that is my life! I'm ready to go home....and that works out well since my friend and her husband will be back tomorrow!

~ here's a few last peeks at my home away from home ~

Chewy and I had a marvelous time!!

But he'll be so happy tomorrow when his family returns!


  1. What a beautiful blog you have! And very interesting reading, too!

  2. Hi Marie,a time away is always good,but there truly is no place like home. Thanks again for sharing your friends home. It's a lovely home indeed!
    Have a wonderful week...


  3. Hi Marie! The picture on my blog was taken by a friend of mine. You can certainly save it and print it out. It's a great shot.

    I hope you are enjoying the "comedic chaos" of your life. I love that phrase by the way. So accurate! *grin*

    Love you!

  4. Aw how sweet of you to house sit like that. Glad you enjoyed yourself. Very nice blog.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!