Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Friday!

I can't wait for Charlotte to come visit tonight ~ she has several sweet little costumes to model for us! Better get the camera ready. I already have pictures of Elijah in his costume ~ hopefully I'll be posting them this weekend.
There are so many options for children at Halloween. So many fun, safe things for little ones (and not so little ones) to do. We have a Harvest Party at our church. There are games, crafts and other fun activities plus cookies and candy to munch on. In a year or two Elijah and Charlotte can go ~ what a great time that will be!!
I'm looking forward to the little trick-or-treaters coming to my door. It's always such fun to see all the creative costumes. One year we had a little girl dressed up as a refrigerator! What a hoot that was!!

1 comment:

Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!