Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Day ~ and Here Comes a Giveaway!

I love babysitting ~ what gramma doesn't! It's such fun to cuddle with them without having to share them with anyone...and it's fun to teach them new things and it's especially fun to dress them in things that their parents may not love!

Here we have Elijah in a Detroit Red Wing outfit ~ he's watching one of their hockey games! We're teaching him to love the game of hockey! His dad is a big football fan ~ he loves the Pittsburgh Steelers ~ he does not love hockey!! Oh well....
I'm smiling Joe!

Here's Charlotte modeling a cute little outfit (hat included) that I found at the thrift store. Her mama thought the outfit was pretty silly but she loved the hat! Charlotte thought it was quite fetching.


I do believe this is my 98th post! How did that happen? One hundred thirty one days since I began my blog and I've managed to post almost 100 times! I'm happy about this and when I'm happy I like to make others happy too! So on my 100th post I'll be talking about a giveaway. I hope you'll come visit and see what it's all about!


  1. Hey Marie, it's was nice to see you yesterday. You have a nice blog! :)

  2. Good morning Marie!
    Thank you for your well wishes. I do feel much better but my youngest is coming down with the virus. So there'll be lots of cuddling and cartoons for the remainder of the week.

    Your grands are darling! I love Charlotte's rosy little face under that hat.


  3. Hi Marie,thank you so much for your encouraging comment. You are so right about not being able to fix things for our children like we could when they were small. That's when a lot of praying takes over,stepping aside and letting God fix it for them....
    Your babies are beautiful!


  4. What beautiful babies! And I love the name Charlotte (that's my baby's name!!):)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!