Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Christmas Angels

Well, the germs are traveling....Bill and I are both sick with head colds now! Thankfully my father-in-law (he'll be 91 in a couple weeks) hasn't caught anything yet!

I just wanted to show a few pictures of my grandbabies from Christmas Day ~ they certainly were an extra special blessing to our celebration.

Can you tell Charlotte is teething? Elijah is crawling everywhere ~ he needed shoes & socks off for traction on the slippery wooden floor.

Charlotte loves her new blocks from Gramma & Grampa ~ but her cold definitely left her a little less twinkly than usual!

Elijah (according to his daddy) loves chasing after the remote control car he received from G-G-ma (great-grandma).
I'd love to show you a few more pictures from our Christmas before the years over. Guess that means I'll have to do that later today!


I was visiting some blogs on my blog roll today and wanted to tell you about one of my favorites. It's called The Pickled Pepper Patch. Char has always got some wonderful things to share. Yesterday she posted about her new blogging schedule for 2009. She has some wonderful plans to share some great ideas. You should visit her if you get a chance!!


  1. Hi Marie,thanks for sharing your sweties with us..hope you will be well soon. Have a blessed new years day...


  2. I hope you and hubby feel better soon!! Happy New Years to you and your family may you be so Blessed!!~Wendy


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!