Monday, December 22, 2008

Random Monday Memories

look here for graphic

I grew up in Detroit, Michigan ~ the bulk of my childhood was during the sixties. Winters in Detroit were cold and snowy ~ and they were great fun! Snow arrived in November (once in a while a little earlier) and snow remained on the ground until March (once in a while a little later).

I remember one winter when my dad shoveled the backyard, piling snow all around the edges of the lawn, and then turned on the hose and flooded the lawn with water ~ which soon turned into ice! Our very own ice pond. I skated on it with my white figure skates. They were another one of my favorite Christmas gifts. I even remember the color of the box they came in - it was blue.


Lea of Farmhouse Blessings posted about snow ~ for your blog! Check it out here. It was easy to do and the effect is great...I do wish it would stick to the ground though!! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas myself. Thanks for sharing Lea!
Lea learned how to make it snow from Debbie at Ribbonwood Cottage. I went to visit her and read this ~

"Those bags under my eyes are so big they need luggage tags!"

I thought to myself ~ "Yep, I could use a couple of those tags too!"

Tis the season!


  1. Thank you,thank you dear sweet Marie,for my Christmas surprise. I love the bear so much. I was just trilled as I tooked her out of the box. My husband was just laughing at me,because I was so excited! It was just such a big surprise for me,bless you,you are such a dear soul. I pray you have a special Merry Christmas blessing,as you have helped to make mine so wonderful!


  2. What a lovely memory!

    So glad you're enjoying the snow. I grew up near Chicago and so I miss the snow here in the south. It is so nice to at least have it in my little virtual world ... and I don't have to shovel it! LOL



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!