Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Such a Lovely Day!

There's been so much going on lately ~ I didn't think I'd ever get around to doing some Christmas decorating ~ especially with not feeling well for a couple weeks! But, I feel better now AND I took a day off from work and got a bunch of stuff done....Yippee!

We got a new tree this year ~ it's pre-lit and it's beautiful. In the past my husband wound (very neatly) about 1200 lights on our tree. It always looked lovely and he always swore he'd never do it again! Well, this year he got his wish. He had this tree up in no time last night.

Pretty nice, don't you think? He also got the Christmas crates out for me so I could get right into decorating. There's eight crates all together ~ packed full of Christmas goodies! Here's six of them.

Come back and visit me late Thursday and see how I transformed the tree (and the rest of the living room too)! I love how it turned out!


It wouldn't be Wednesday is I didn't show off some grandbaby pictures! Here's our sweet little Elijah. He spent most of Sunday with us while my son and his wife went out to dinner and the theater. He's been sick for a week or so and he wasn't his usual smiley self. This is him just before he left ~ Aunt Mandy was trying one more time to make him happy! He paid close attention ~ but no smile!

Charlotte came to visit us this evening. She is the wiggliest little thing these days. She hasn't mastered crawling yet ~ but boy, does she want to! I bought some large ornaments to use as props for baby pictures and Charlotte got to inspect them a bit tonight. She loved the red ones!

She also loved the tree ~ stay tuned for that!


  1. That tree does look good - even with no other decorations on it. I can't believe you have 8 crates of decorations!!! It will look amazing when you have finsihed. I shall tune in tomorrow to see it finished!!!

  2. Hi Marie, my goodies arrived today from winning your blog give away! I Love everything. Thank you so much! I will be posting pictures on my blog tomorrow of where I put my new treasures! Thanks again. God bless, Jamie

  3. Oh watch out now that you have that tree up. Those shiny colored balls are going to be really tempting! LOL

    I really like that log cabin quilt on your couch. So pretty.



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!