Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Wednesday Already.......

Look at these two little cousins trying to hug ~ they just love each other! Actually Elijah wanted Charlotte's pacifier and she wanted to put her fingers in his mouth!

Don't these two look like perfect little recipients of handmade things from their gramma? I've looked forward to making things for my grandbabies as long as I've looked forward to having grandbabies.

I've been in such a creative rut for quite a while. I was in a couple small shows just before Christmas but most of my stock came from things left over from last year. My rut is definitely not from lack of desire ~ it's more about lack of time and space. My life and surroundings changed dramatically about a year ago when my father-in-law moved in with us. We did a lot of re-arranging of sleeping quarters and that caused a lot of things to be packed up, stacked up (in my work and storage rooms) and forgotten. He also brought along 36 boxes of stuff ~ stuff I unpacked but have never really found homes for. Sooooo....I need to do a lot of catching up before I have time to get creative again.

I've been doing a little browsing on Etsy and I've been so inspired ~ but until I "catch up", inspired is where it will have to stay. I may have to make a couple purchases in the meantime.

Wouldn't Charlotte look cute in something like this. I found it here.

Look here ~ I think Elijah needs one of these!

We must have some soft balls to throw around. I found these here. I think we need three because Penelope will want one too!

Maybe my boss will let me take a LONG leave of absence ~ probably not! I guess I'll have to work with the time I have ~ better get cracking!


  1. Everybody I know is lamenting a lack of creativity right now. I think we were all so busy completing projects before Christmas and with the weather the way it has been, it saps your energy. Spring Swaps will bring you back :)

  2. Your not the only one. My mind is bursting with ideas for things I want to paint, sew or just plain create but life has been too busy. I am hoping once we find a place to live and can settle down, I can start creating again.

    ps... That little dress would take no time to sew.


  3. I completely understand, Marie! You know I couldn't get my creativity sparked until I created just a small space for myself. I guess I need order.

    Your ideas are just lovely, but I do believe Charlotte would look cute in just about anything!

    Oh I will have to put a note on my calendar to remember to come back tomorrow for your giveaway. I don't want to miss out on that Annie.


  4. Hi Marie, you are not alone in your creative rut. It is taking me ages to get back into the swing of things. I love Etsy too and you have picked out some great things from some great sellers. the grandbabies will love them! Kathryn. XX


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!