Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Artful Blogging"

I bought a copy of the latest issue of this wonderful publication today ~ it's full of "visually inspiring" blogs, excellent tips for blogging and beautiful photography & editing!

Mandy & Katie got home from their west coast vacation today.
Between my job, hearing about all their fun (I'll be sharing about that soon) and browsing through my new purchase I'll have no time for blogging today!
~Have a joy-filled day~


  1. Thanks for leaving me a's nice to meet you. I enjoyed visiting your blog and will come back soon! Have a good day. ~Natalie

  2. I bought this issue too. Lots of inspiration and I was amazed by how many blogs I had visited and/or followed! Do you sense a problem here? There's nothing better than relaxing in the evening with a cup of tea or coffee (decaf for me please) and a new magazine! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie,I will check that issue out on my next trip to Barnes and Noble. So glad your girls had a safe trip to and fro....
    Have a blessed day....Shelley

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Marie, so glad you did. And thank you for reading. I really wish I could keep up with all of you, but I just can't. So thanks for taking time to leave me a comment, I love to hear from all of you.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!