Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grandbabies & Goodies in the Mail

I love when they all visit me!!!

And as if a grandbaby (or 3) visit wasn't enough just look at the wonderful package that arrived at my house last Friday. Love the polka dots!!

I commented on a blog post a short time ago and then received an email from the blog owner. She wanted my address so she could send me a surprise....just because I commented on her blog! How cool is that!!
The blog was My Little Raggedy Blessings
and Renae is the "oh so kind" person who sent me these things.

Look, he's peeking at you!

I love this little notebook ~ it's so perfectly me! The note above is written inside it.

Isn't this guy great!?
"Look into my eyes"
I love his "musical" collar!

Hmmmm ~ what little treasures can I tuck away inside?

A sweet little tag too! Can you believe this?! Just because I commented!
Renae this was SO NICE of you!

Please visit Renae ~ she shares the prettiest images ~ both of her art work and her sweet family.
Thanks bunches!


  1. OOooo the babies are so cute! Penelope is growing up so fast. Pretty soon she is gonna give the other two a run for their money! :)

    What a nice surprise you received! I like the polka dot paper too.

    Take care,

  2. All three grandbabies in one picture! I bet that was a fun meal :-)

    I love all the musical details on your surprise too. What a lovely gift!

  3. Three cuties... you must be having so much fun!

    Lovely surprise package and wrapped so pretty! Love the "perfectly you" notebook too.

  4. Hello Marie, I saw your comment on LDH's blog and thought I would visit with you. What a delightful post today. THREE grands - what blessings! What a thoughtful surprise from Renae too! Love the pumpkin especially! Hide your favorite candy in there! ha Enjoy your evening.

  5. Big Wow...Isn't it just amazing when we reach out and care for each other. Very kind soul indeed. Blessings flowing your way for sure! Good night sweet friend. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  6. Wow Marie-your house is like a pre-school with all of the baby chairs! Hahahaha! Love to see the kiddlets every week.
    Your package from Ranae is beautiful and made even more wonderful because it was unexpected. The greatest pleasure is derived from being able to really surprise someone. Of course, you're one of the sweetest people around so I'm sure it gave her much joy to do that for you! xoxo


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!