Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jump Rope

I used to enjoy playing with a jump rope
when I was a little girl.
Yes, that's me with the big red bow!
I loved that dress!

I am well beyond my jump roping years now ~ but I sure can enjoy watching others. Like this group of young ladies called
"The Firecrackers".
Click on the paragraph above to visit the Firecrackers blog.

My mother sent me a link to one of their performances ~ {"thanks Mom!"}
It takes place at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. It's about eight minutes long and worth every minute!! Please check it out if you have time.


  1. Wow! I called over my kids to watch with me and they loved it. Maria said, can I learn how to do that? Guess we should start with the basics...honey, this is a jump rope...


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