Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giveaway #4

I love my blog! I love visiting other blogs! I can't believe I've been at this for about eighteen months now. It has been so much fun. The blogging, the reading other blogs, seeing beautiful homes, learning so many new, crafty things and making new friends ~ such fun.
Before I started blogging ~ when I was just reading other blogs ~ I kind of had a sense that it would be "such fun". What I didn't know was how encouraging & uplifting it would be for me.

I've read about so many life experiences ~ so much happiness ~ so much sadness. So many opportunities to wallow in self-pity ~ so many chances to gloat about good fortune.
I've read about women in the deepest of valleys shining like the brightest of stars; women who seem to have it all...including humility. All of you have been such an encouragement to me.

The Bible says:
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

I see that here. I see others going through a lot of the same things I go through and I see them live through the good and the bad ~ without letting the situation control them ~ because they know that God is in control. I didn't think I'd find that here. It's not all about pretty homes, or crafting tips, or baby photos, or exciting trips. It's about knowing that there is nothing new under the sun...what's happening to me has happened to someone else...their experience can help me and mine in turn can help another. It's about being reminded of God's faithfulness. He won't give us more than we can handle and He'll make sure we have what we need to bear up under anything that comes our way.
Even blogs ~ I've been led on occasion to a post that has been exactly what I needed on that particular day! How awesome is that!
What a gift the land of blog has been to me!!

Now about that giveaway! I have a little gift for one of you.
You don't have to become a follower. You don't have to post about the giveaway.
(of course you can if you want too)
But really, just a comment on this post will do.

What's the gift??
I love Target ~ I bet you do too! How about a $25.00 Target gift card ~ just in time for those after Christmas sales!! Leave your comment here ~ we (my family) will pick a winner sometime on Christmas Day!
Just a little "thanks" from me to you!



  1. Marie,

    I too did not realize how wonderful blogging would be. I have been blessed with meeting several new people and made some great friends. I am happy to add you into that group. Here's to blogging a lot more in 2010!

    I like Target too... just wish their parking lot was not so crowded. lol


  2. Marie, your kind comments on my blog keep me posting! I love blogland, can't believe I lurked for so long.

    The sharing can be beyond words...sometimes it's an image or tutorial, but other times it is about heartbreak or good fortune, Regardless it makes the world seem in a little smaller and makes our minds open a little wider.

    Fun giveaway too..Target..now there's a fun place to shop!


  3. Dear Sweet Marie, I couldn't agree with you more! These wonderful women (and a few men) have been such a valuable source of support! It is so much more than pretty pictures and crafts, although that is lots of fun. Finding a community of faith has been the real surprise! Hope you have time to visit my blog. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Marie - Hello -- so nice to meet you !!!
    I am to be your valentine swap partner .
    Love your blog - will chat more later to seee what style you like - off to do errands -- My favorite words this year - very similar to yours -- "JESUS IS THE GIFT "--

    Have a blessed DAy --- Kathy -ga ♥

  5. Oh I'd be honored to win that giftcard ... it will come in handy to buy some groceries. Thank you for this opportunity. Christmas Merries and New Year Happies to you and yours.

    SuZeQ - kosec@sbcglobal.net

  6. Blogging has been a great blessing to me too... like finding dear friends like YOU! You are very kind and generous with your giveaways! Perfect Jesus is the gift link.

    Kindly, ldh

  7. Now THIS is my kind of giveaway! I'm so glad you've been enjoying your blog Marie - it's so hard to explain the fun to non-bloggers, don't you think?! Hope you're all still enjoying the snow. See you on Sunday! :)

  8. God bless you this Christmas...

    Please count me in on this generous giveaway! Would love it!

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  9. As we get ready to celebrate God's greatest gift to us, I am thankful for all of the friends I have come to know in the past 2 years of blogging...and you are at the top of the list. Thanks for always reading and commenting and being such a supportive friend...you are a gift too!
    (I love Target...just sayin'!)

  10. I can't help but think that Jesus brings us all together for the good of man kind. Hearts connect, souls are won to him, life unfolds with all the tribulation and joy that can be experienced in a life time. I am with you, in your words, and in your heart...and I won't let go. I look towards, many years of blogging to our hearts content with Jesus watching it all.

  11. Isn't it fun to blog! I am only 3 months in now & I can;t believe this whole little world was going on without me :) I am so glad to have met you Marie, you are always so encouraging, Thank you! Merry Christmas to you & your family.

  12. Oh Marie. I headed over here to enter your giveaway but realize that the Lord sent me here for another reason. I would have commented on this beautiful post giveaway or not. It's so funny, just before I got to the part where you said you've been led to a post you needed on a particular day, in my head I had already said the same thing and that was what I planned on telling you. I found so much comfort from the post I've been finding lately. I will be back to visit again and hopefully get to know you.

    Merry Christmas and good blessing to you and your family. Hugs....Tracy :)

  13. i am new to blogging and everyday find someone new and interesting. like tracy said above reading your sentence about what you needed a particular day so hits home. i was feeling a little sad tonight and stressed and now i have found you through a feathered nest-who i also recently found and LOVE her blog. God bless you and your family this holiday season and thank you for such a great giveaway.

  14. so once again angel intervention! from your blog went to graphicfairy and found the perfect image for a dear friend who just lost her mother. when she was at the final stage of battling lung cancer she looked over at her daughter kym and kym's husband myke and asked if they were twins, kym replied "no mom why do you ask?" her mom replied "because you both have wings." so here i find this incredible image of mary with 2 little angels who uncannily remind me of myke, i will be making her a ornament tomorrow, thank you thank you thank you! blessings

  15. What a wonderful post and giveaway.

    You are right. There is no greater gift than Jesus, and this is the season to celebrate His birth.



    OH please enter my name in the giveaway! =0))

  16. You are so right about blogging, I did the same thing, just reading blogs and then getting up the courage to do it myself. Oh my, I have opened up a whole new world and how wonderful it is. Many hugs, Carol

  17. AMEN! The best gift is Jesus Christ! Would love to win your gift card. Thanks for the opportunity to win!!

  18. hi Marie,
    Just popped in to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. The comments left on that post are extra special, not only to me but my entire family as well. So thank you, my friend.

    It was a surprise to see your anniversary post. Congrats! Lib and I are new to blogging, and we know how fun it is.

    Take care, and soak up Christmas this year. Every second of it, such a special time.

  19. I totally agree with you. The best gift is Jesus. Have a Merry Christmas. Thanks for the opportunity to win a gc to Target.

  20. Amen to your thoughts on blogging! I can't imagine NOT having a blog anymore! And the friends I have made are awesome.

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway! I love to host them too and plan to have another one after the first of the year.

  21. all of it true.

    Jesus is the target of my focus on Christmas, as so many others have stated in their own way!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  22. Good morning, Marie! Your post is very well written and so very true. Our life, your life, all of ours ~ each so similar in so many ways. One thing we MUST focus on is that Christ does only give us what He knows we can handle. To recognize this, honor Him and have Faith and move forward is what we, as Christians, must do.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    Thank you for having an awesome giveaway. I'll put it on my sidebar so that others can partake.
    Oh, but do add me in, too. I love LeTarget!!


  23. Glad to find your blog. Such a wonderful post. May you and your family have a wonderful and joyous Christmas. Jamie in MT

  24. I enjoyed your comments on your blog very much and you are so right!! God's good grace and help we receive from others gets us through all our battles. Keep bloggin for us!! May you and yours have HaPPy HOlidays!! Cecilia mathis480@yahoo.com

  25. Merry Christmas Marie....from Roanoke,Virginia. The land of 18 inches of snow!! I don't have a blog (yet) but I sure have enjoyed reading so many of them every day over the past year. It's addictive.
    Please put me in the pot for the Target card too. I'm sure I'd find a good use for it.

  26. I plan to start a blog when I retire, I just don't think I could keep it up whlie I work! I am so happy to find your blog, what did we do before the days of blogging? I just love getting to know everyone this way! Merry Christmas.

  27. fINALLY FOUND OUT HOW TO ADD THE url --lol --
    HAVE A COMMON GOAL -- tO TELL THE WORLD ABOUT JESUS -- Christmas Blessings - Kathy - ga ♥

  28. How wonderful and thoughtful of you to do this. I discovered the blogging coummunity this spring and have never looked back. so many wonderful people have come into my life. Blessings to you this season. Sea Witch

  29. Found your site from The Feathered Nest.Please sign me up for your giveaway. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas....sherry

  30. I hesitated too to start my own blog (such as it is!). But I have seen so much talent and creativity, so much passion and compassion, so much beauty and friendships. All of this has made me want to be a better person, a more crafty person and a more confident person! While my blog is not what I want it to be yet, I am inspired every day by the blogs I visit. Yours being one of them! Thank you Marie! Merry Christmas! uffda_68787@yahoo.com

  31. Wishing you and yours a joyous Christmas season!!!

  32. Your blog is so enjoyable. I love all the little tidbits on your sidebar. You certainly have a wonderful family. May you all have a blessed Christmas. Sharon

  33. I love blogging too! I have met the most wonderful people this way. I'm glad I found your blog too!

    Happy Holidays,


  34. Marie, Your blog is a source of inspiration for the heart. May you have a Blessed and Wonderful Christmas! Susie

  35. I love Target....
    great give a way

  36. Merry Christmas!! I love Target, too...


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!