Friday, December 11, 2009

Woo Hoo! It's Friday!

That means in two days it will be Sunday and I'll be picking a winner for this week's giveaway. So make sure you click that cute little snowman (over there to the right) to enter! Ignore the little snowman to the left...the one that says there are 14 days to Christmas...YIKES!!

I was working on my plastic covered tree last night and it's actually looking kinda good! Hmmmm...this isn't going to be hard at all! Thank you for all your encouraging words about this year's "different" Christmas tree. It really is going to be a good thing. Diane Knott's comment said, "What a wonderful idea, Marie. The wee ones will be safe but still be able to be curious, which is a good thing at that age!" That's the most important thing ~ that they're safe ~ and I'm all for babies learning through curiousity. So it will be good! I'll show photos of the tree on Sunday when I announce the giveaway winner.

I hope you all have a really.....

I'm going to ~ and it's going to be even happier once "quittin' time rolls around.
Have a great weekend!
Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway.
Giveaway #3 will be announced next Tuesday!


  1. I smiled when I read your blog tonight. I had to put up all my ornaments this year because of Tazmo, the new dog! I don't have any grandbabies yet. I enjoyed reading the last few days blogs...I have been working so much I've had a hard time reading any blogs. Your music is so wonderful, it really encouraged me...Star of wonder, star of night...royal beauty bright...I love's all about Jesus!

  2. I just got done reading your post below all about the "plastic tree". : ) You're such a good "Gramma", Marie and I can hardly wait to see it. I LOVE all the colors you chose. Sometimes different is good. : )
    Enjoy your weekend. And of course, please don't enter my name due to being picked last week. : )
    Mary Lou


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!