Friday, January 1, 2010

It Was a Lovely Day!

Something rare happened this afternoon. I was alone ~ well pretty much. My father-in-law is home, but he was watching the Rose Bowl in between naps. Bill's working (he's been in retail for 30 plus years ~ not a lot of holidays off for him) and Mandy is visiting a friend. No babies visiting, no more Christmas (before or after) shopping to do, and no work! (thank you boss for the day off!) I took a nap, went to the grocery store to do some re-stocking of the empty pantry, bought some magazines and made a frozen pizza for dinner. In between all that hard work I sat, sipped hot tea and visited friends all over the world. (I ignored some housework that I should have been doing ~ but it will be there tomorrow!)
It's been such a wonderful day!

The tea was this lovely Afternoon Blend from Harrod's in London. Katie's mother-in-law was here for Christmas. Brenda always brings me such special treasures. In addition to the tea she brought me the pretty plaid Christmas tree cloth and a cute little plaid Santa for my tree...and some "figgy pudding". It was VERY good to be queen.....if only for an afternoon!

There are so many inspiring things in the land of blog. I'd like to share three that caught my eye today. First is this quote that Tracy posted on her blog today.

"We will open the book. It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day." Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Great quote ~ don't you think!! Thanks Tracy!

My friend Joyce at Scrap for Joy sent me an email about this next bit of inspiration. Ali Edwards began this on her blog in 2007 because she wanted to begin "tradition of choosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life".
I would love to try this too! Visit her blog to read all about what she does with this. She shares some great stuff!

Ali Edwards

And finally the Top 100 Tutorials according to Ellen who has a blog called The Long Thread. She posts so many incredible ideas ~ and now she's put 100 of them all in one post!! I can't wait to try some of these. There's so many cute grandbaby gift ideas!!

Top 100 Tutorials of 2009

Needless to say this is just a teeny bit of what's "out there" as far as inspiration goes. I've known about this land of blog for about 20 months ~ I can't figure out how I managed without it!

I'm off to visit some more of my friends!


  1. Happy New Day, Happy New Year Marie! I'm excited to have this brand new page to start on. And because of all the friendship in blogland I have a desire to actually make the best out of it with a bit of hope and excitement. I love the quote that you shared with us. I'd never heard it but I love it now. And thanks sharing the other two blogs with us. It's always so fun to find new places to visit.

    Have a blessed night....Tracy :)

  2. I think is wonderful that you got a day to yourself to relax and enjoy. My time is early in the morning before Wendell gets up. Seeing your pile of magazines has me wanting to go pick up a few to be further inspired.



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!