Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm So Sad!

Yesterday we celebrated Charlotte's 2nd birthday ~ and I was all ready to take a bazilliion pictures. How could I not? All three grandbabies were there!!

But before the festivities even began ~
I. Dropped. My. Camera!!!
I'm sick about it.
Mine now has a cracked screen and it doesn't have a viewfinder. So I'm shooting blind.
We're going to see if it can be repaired.
I sure hope so.....a replacement is really not in the budget right now.


  1. What a shame, dear Marie! I'm sorry that your camera is broken and keep my fingers cross that it can be repaired.

  2. Oh no, not the camera. Sorry to hear about that. I would be very sad too, dropping my camera is one thing I'm a little paranoid about. Hope you can get it fixed.

  3. Oh that must have been so frustrating. Perhaps there were other people taking photos which they can share with you, and of course your "blind shooting" could still produce lovely shots.

  4. Oh Marie, I'm sad with you. I hope it is able to be fixed, though I worry that in this disposable world it tends to be cheaper to replace than to fix.

    Let us know the word, good luck,


  5. So sorry the party was wonderful....I will check it out on Katie's blog. Hope you can get your camera fixed...have a very blessed Memorial day....Shelley

  6. Oh so sorry to hear that! *hugs* I can imagine you being lost without it around the grand kids. I would be without mine...


  7. H Marie,
    Hope they can fix your camera, what a bummer, I am sick about it too.

    Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day, love the image that you posted.

  8. Hi Marie,
    I am visiting from your other blog to read more about you and I'm so sorry that your camera broke! That's terrible! I hope by now that it's fixed as your photos are still gorgeous as usual :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!