Friday, October 1, 2010

I Didn't Know That....

To ward off algae (in your birdbath), toss in a few pre-1982 coins; the high copper content retards growth.  7 New Uses for a Penny ~ Real Simple

Copper Pennies = Happy Birdies!


  1. What a simple solution! Finally we are having rain to fill the birdbath!

  2. I wonder if this will also work in a fish tank (without killing my fish)! ;) Thanks for sharing

  3. I have heard that one and can you believe that the first time I was filling it this year I even mentioned it to my husband and then totally forgot to put them in :)

  4. I had not heard this before and will give it a try as soon as we get back from our trip.

  5. Wow, now that is an easy one!
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Your blog is delightful and I love the photo of the birdies in the bath


  7. Very pertinent information!!! Thanks for sharing!! Actually, that is fascinating. :)
    I hope all is well you, Marie.
    P.S. Your boss looks like a really nice guy!...not to mention, a good sport. : )

  8. I didn't know that either, Marie! We have one birdbath that never grows it for some reason, but the others do. Go figure. Soon it will be too cold and we'll be bringing them inside for the winter. Our "regulars" are already scoping out the bird feeder after returning from wherever they go for the summer. But we can't put seed out here until mid-Dec. because otherwise the local bears will visit - which we don't like at all! And they tend to be very destructive, as well as unpredictable. The joys of mountain life! :-)
    Hugs, Diane


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!