Wednesday, July 27, 2011


When I began this blog just over three years ago I did it because I wanted extended family to be able to see pictures of my grandchildren.  I kind of fell into a pattern of posting their photos on Wednesday.  This year, for whatever reason, I got out of the habit of doing it regularly. But with the arrival of grandbaby #4 I need to get back in the groove....after all there are people who want to see this little man!


 Elijah ~ a very happy big brother.

Diva Charlotte contemplating a trip down her slide.

And the other Diva - Penelope has been in Florida for 2 1/2 weeks. She gets home tonight! Yippee!

Oh my goodness ~ this is simply the best time of time of my life!!


  1. Oh sweet Marie, CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!! So many precious little souls you have around you now....they such a gift for us grandmamas!!!! Enjoy these days, they truly are precious, aren't they? hugs and love, Dawn

  2. Grand photos of GRAND babies :) Love each one!

  3. Oh my goodness!!
    The preciousness of grandbabies!!

  4. Just wallow in grandbaby lovin' Marie! These are all beautiful children. I hafta say I love Penelope's bathing suit..adorable!

  5. Your babies are all so very precious...thank you for sharing your photos...I have loved seeing them grow up here....Looks like Caleb is going to look very much like his big brother...What fun they are going to have together....I received your package...I had so much fun opening it and seeing everything inside....felt like a kid at Christmas....thank you so very much....blessings

  6. Aww... cute babies! Can't wait to go see Caleb (and Elijah) tonight!!

  7. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your sweet little grandchildren not matter what day of the week it is. The latest addition is so sweet.

  8. Congratulations on the sweet new grand!
    I have to tell you that my wish came true. I received my Bird Song tag book today and it includes YOUR tag that I admired in a previous post. I recognized it right away and so happy I found you through Where Bloggers Create. Love the tag!

  9. Congratulations on grandbaby #4! He is adorable....he takes after the other three!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!