Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thank You

Our sweet little Caleb had some very unexpected surgery yesterday...but he's doing just fine.  Thank you so much for all the prayers lifted up for this dear little boy.  I think his mommy will be sharing the details on her blog at some point, so for now I'll just say he has three tiny holes in his abdomen and a stomach that is working the way God intended it to. 
We are so very blessed!
Here he is in the Emergency Room with his mommy. 
They're waiting to be admitted and for the surgery to be scheduled. Caleb is all hooked up to the IV. Sweet boy!

Here he is sleeping peacefully in his daddy's arms.  This was last night ~ Caleb was being kept lightly sedated until midnight...the scheduled time for his first bottle since early Wednesday morning. If the bottle feedings go well he'll be able to come home today! This gramma will be visiting him ASAP!

Updated at 2:15 PM:  Caleb is home!!

"And Jesus put forth His hand and touched him." 
Matthew 8:3

Thank you Lord, for watching over him.


  1. I'm sending you sweet hugs and love dear friend....I read your facebook update and loving that so many prayers have been answered for your precious Caleb!!! Praying for healing now...xxoo, Dawn

  2. Will pray that this sweet one is healed soon and for strength for his parents.Blessings ,Jen

  3. Dear Marie,
    thankyou for the mail-update-
    I`m so happy for you all, that the surgery was a succes, and pray that the sweetest little boy, can go home with his parents this afternoon or evening.
    Warm hug-

  4. awwww poor little thing. I am so glad he is doing OK. Hugs to you and your family.

  5. What a beautiful babe! So glad to hear good news about him!

  6. How very precious he is. Sending up a thankful praise. He just needs lots Gramma time now. That is what I call my Gramma too, she is 96 and still going strong.

  7. I'll be adding my prayers to your family's, for little Caleb. I'm sorry he had to go through this, but so happy for the successful outcome.
    Blessings to you,
    Mary Lou


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!