Friday, October 14, 2011


Here's another peek inside that old post office sorting box I have.

My daughters (and some friends) went on a trip to the Pacific was called their Dorks in Forks trip.  I knew they would (at some point) be pretty near an Antiques Mall that I had read about on several blogs.  So, hoping to live vicariously through them, I asked if they'd visit it and maybe buy their dear mother a treasure or two or three or....
Guess what? They did! 
In fact they bought a small suitcase full of treasures!  This sweet pair of size 1 baby shoes were included in the bounty.  Such soft pink leather ~ worn out ever so gently as the tiny feet that wore them scooted about.  My girls know just what I like!  Thanks Katie & Mandy!


  1. A very sweet (and pretty pink) treasure! You raised your girls with good taste in treasures :)

  2. Oh,such a wonderful gift...I too love old baby shoes...Now,what else was in that suitcase? :)
    Blessings on your weekend dear Marie.

  3. Those tiny shoes are SWEET! I am in Portland, which antique mall did they visit?

  4. oh those are so sweet. an antique mall sounds like fun

  5. The best treasure they returned with was their thought of buying you gifts ! So sweet! You raise 'em sweet!

    Those pink shoes are adroable Marie!!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!