Friday, November 4, 2011

I Can't Believe It! (Giveaway Time)

Giveaway has Ended.

This is my 1000th post....and my 40th month of blogging.  I think that's pretty amazing.  It's great to have this online remembrance of days gone by.  Goodness knows I'd have forgotten so much of this stuff if it wasn't "written down".   I love sharing photos of my grandchildren most weeks. That's the reason I started this blog. But it sure has developed into so much more, and oh the friends I've made!  I never expected that.  There's a handful of ladies who have truly blessed my heart.  Someday I sure hope to meet them face to face.  The encouragement I receive from them and others truly blesses me.  I love everything about my blogging experience and I want to celebrate all these posts that have made the experience so much fun.

So it's time for my......

I bought this wonderful metal box just for this giveaway The glass insert in the lid is so pretty and the compartments inside will hold lots of treasures.

Like all these goodies!  I made a 5x7 collage, a tiny notebook, the altered bottle and a little bitty candle with a "glow".  I'm also tucking in a couple small bars of really wonderful soap...mostly because it will make the package smell very good!

Looks like there might be room for a few more little goodies too! I'll have to see what other lovelies I can find to tuck inside.

So there you have it....a box full of treasures from me to you.  Please leave a comment on this post if you'd like a chance to win.  You don't have to be a follower, but I'd love it if you were.  If you have a blog and you'd like a second chance to win,  I'd love it if you mentioned my giveaway on your blog.  Just leave me a second comment telling me you did.  I'll going to step away from posting for a week but I'll be back to announce a winner on my "Cubbies" post next Friday.

Update: This giveaway is open to matter where you live!

Thank you to all my blogging friends...your visits mean so much. And thank you to all my local friends and my family. I so appreciate it when you tell me you read my's nice to know you're interested in what's going on in my world.  
I bet most of you probably just stop by to see my sweet grandbabies....I don't blame you a bit!


One more thing....I found out yesterday that I won a giveaway from Daphne Nicole.  I was SO surprised to see my name. One hundred sixty one entries and I was the lucky winner!  Thank you Daphne!

Okay, just one more thing....check out the awesome giveaway at Trash to Treasures.  Read about it in my the top!


  1. great post friend..passing to say hi and congratulations..i lived in holland so i guess is too far so i dont make a chance to win...i would like to..its such a nice gift..i also love your blog you have a lot of inspiration...God bless you friend..thanks for sharing..loves soraya

  2. Congratulations on your 1000th post! Wow! Your giveaway is wonderful and I would love the chance to win! Thank you!
    Congratulations also on your win from Daphne Nicole! Such a beautiful giveaway too.
    Have a blessed weekend,

  3. Congratulations, Marie! WOW, 1000 posts is a really amazing milestone. I would so love to win that pretty box filled with your beautiful creations but like Soraya I think it would get too expensive to send it overseas. I have put your giveaway button on my sidebar anyway though.
    Have a wonderful weekend and a lot of fun with your next 1000 posts :-)!
    Hugs to you,

  4. I forgot: Congratulations on winning the lovely bag from Daphne Nicole!!! You must be excited and I'm very happy for you.
    Hugs again,

  5. Oh, Marie, I for one am so blessed to have met you. I love everyone of your posts. I think you were one of my early followers and getting to know you and your family has been such a joy. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't notice my 'faith' embroidery made by you as it sits on a shelf right at the top of the stairs. And scattered about the house are more sweetness like my beautiful postcard or a doily or candle.

    Looking forward to your next 1000 posts!
    Love, Lorraine

  6. Wow! That's Wonderful! Congratulations! Hugs, Morena

  7. Congrats! You said the giveaway is open to everyone and I think that is some cute stuff. Free shipping *wink wink*. Just kidding. <3

  8. You my dear friend have been a huge blessing to me...I thank God for your friendship and am so glad I happened by this wonderful blog one day..I don't think it was very long after you first begun blogging....I am guessing we begun about the same time.
    Love in Christ name,Shelley

  9. 1000 posts, my goodness, thats amazing! Congratulations on such a fabulous milestone. Over 3 years as well, wow. I haven't known you quite that long, lol, but a goodly while. It is so nice of you to celebrate your big 1000 with such a beautiful giveaway. Of course I am hoping that I will win it, seeing as you won the gorgeous gorgeous bag from Daphne Nicole. Congratulations for that as well ;-), even though I was convinced it was meant for me, you know! xx

  10. Wow, congratulations on 1000 posts! The box looks wonderful with all the goodies!!

  11. Oh,my! 1000 posts is quite a milestone. Beautiful box and goodies, sweet of you to be giving them away. I would be tempted to keep them! Good wishes on your next 1000 posts!

  12. congratulations on 1000 posts Marie. What a lovely package that is for your giveaway.
    Congratulations on winning the other giveaway also.
    Oh an by the way, aside from wanting a peek at your sweet granbabies, I love seeing your wonderful creations. But aside from that, it is your sweet personality that keeps me coming back

  13. That metal box is quite a beautiful find...and filled with your creations...count me in! Congrats on 1000 posts, that is amazing!

  14. Marie, Thanks for giving me material to blog about today!!


  15. Congrats on 1000 posts! The little box really looks interesting.

    Already a follower. Thanks.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS sweet Marie!!!! 1000 Posts!!! Isn't that wonderful?? Doesn't the time just fly by? I'm so very glad you're here and I wish you 1000's more dear friend ~ and your gifts are AMAZING!!! Just beautiful, I would so love to be entered ~ sending you big ol' hugs and love, Dawn

  17. CONGRATULATIONS dear Marie-
    I alwayes enjoy visiting your blog seing your sweet garndkids, and all your lovely creations--just like those fantastic things you are giving away. What an amazing bunch of creations, and the box is wonderful, too.
    Congratulations also on winning from Daphne-
    Hugs-and x from Dorthe

  18. What goes around, comes around. Here you have a lovely giveaway and you win a lovely giveaway!

  19. Well I'm so glad I stopped by! Congrats on your 1000 post! Of course I'd love to be entered.
    I came by the Thank you for posting about mine. I have entered you in the surprise ae well as the bonus draws. Best of luck to both of us!
    I've signed up to follow and will be back when I post yours!
    hugs Lynn

  20. Its posted I hope you get tons on new visitors and followers!
    Hugs Lynn

  21. Congrats on your win! That is so exciting! I am a happy follower & would love to win the wonderful goodies you have prepared for the lucky winner!

  22. I added a link to your giveaway on my sidebar list of giveaways!

  23. Congrats! I just found your blog and I would love a chance to win your lovely selection of goodies!!

  24. Hi Marie! Looks like I stopped to visit at a great time because winning something from you would be a special treat! I've been enjoying your pins & finding myself feeling sad that we aren't swap partners this year (we did the matchbox Christmas swap together)! Congrats on your blogging milestones, too! God Bless

  25. Oh my goodness. Your blog is absolutely wonderful. I have been looking for directions on how to make Moravian stars and came across your site. You have done a wonderful job with it. My daughter just introduced me to pinterest and I am so excited about it. I will definitely follow you. Your family is beautiful and I can see you are enjoying them. I think your giveaways are fantastic. God bless you and have a great week

  26. Congrats Marie! What a wonderful milestone. You were one of my very first readers/followers of my blog when I began two years ago, and for that I'm grateful. Grateful, as well, to have been able to get to know you through your wonderful blog.

    I would love to be the lucky winner of the fabulous gift you're offering. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a treasure trove. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    Looking forward to your next 100 posts!

  27. Hi
    I discovered your link at Dorthe's blog and just had to visit.
    I am now a Follower!
    Oh my goodness those goodies are worthy of a swoon from me. Stunning creations and beautifully presented. I would love the opportunity to win.

  28. Hi
    I return once again!!!
    This time to say I have added your button (with link) to my Blog, Adorn's sidebar.
    If I am able to I will write a short post about your celebrations.

  29. What a sweet giveaway...a box full of treasures! That sounds wonderful! Happy Blogging and hugs! Hope you'll visit me soon, too! ♥

  30. Congrats on your Blogiversary! I would love to win your lovely box with all the goodies....

    Am looking forward to following your blog...


    Robin from North Carolina

  31. omg what an amazing giveaway! What treasures! :D Lovely!


  32. This is lovely.So precious.I would love to win...please add me.Im a new follower as well.

  33. What an absolutely gorgeous giveaway! And I agree with you, blogland is amazing, when you can stumble across lovely blogs like this one. I will mention your blog on mine and become a follower as well.

  34. Just discovered your blog - congrats on your 1,000th post!!! What an utterly FABulous giveaway - every bit of it is so lovely!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))

  35. Oh - and I'm a new follower via GFC - can't wait to see what the next posts are about!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Thanks so much for the chance....

  36. Well, BIG TIME CONGRATS on your 1000th post!!!!!
    Wow, that is a huge accomplishment! Marie, you always have the very best giveaways! I would love to have a chance to win your beautiful collections here. That little bottle is amazing with all of the clock things inside!

    Thank you for the chance to win!


  37. I am already a follower - but of course! HOWEVER, I will put a button on my sidebar announcing your delightful giveaway!


  38. Thanks for the great giveaway! I am a new follower!!

  39. Congratulations on your 1000 post and thank you for sharing your joy with these irresistible goodies! They're luverly! I especially love that bottle! Patsy from

  40. I added your giveaway on my sidebar! Patsy from

  41. I just found your blog and it's lovely. Hope I'm not too late to get in on the giveaway drawing. I'll be back.
