Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Each Christmas my boss (Geoff) generously treats us to a Christmas lunch or dinner.  He's taken us to some very nice restaurants over the years....and I've enjoyed each one very much.  But my favorite Christmas get togethers are the ones we have at his home.  Last year we had a lovely luncheon there. We closed the office for about a couple hours...after that Geoff went back to work and left us to enjoy another hour or so with his sweet wife.  This year we'll be getting together for dinner at their home...tonight!  We'll be going to his home right after work for dinner and our gift exchange.  I love to try and make gifts for my boss, his wife, and my two co-workers....I didn't get everything done that I would have liked, but I'm happy with what I did manage to finish.

This little sign is one of my gifts for Peggy...Geoff's wife.  The word "wait" has some significance for her. I wanted to put it together with the verse from Psalms because by itself, "wait" can be kind of a depressing word.  When we remember we're waiting on the Lord and His timing we can "wait" with anticipation and joy.

I hope she likes it and I also hope she's to busy getting ready for our dinner tonight to stop and read or look at my blog today!! 


  1. Anticipation for what is coming. Wait is a good word. I know she will love it! It is funny how we each have our favorite words.

  2. :} That is the problem with poting on our blog too early, there is always a risk of someone seeing it who shouldn't. I am making a chirstmas journal and am dying ot post pics, but I dont want the family to see it just yet! That is a lovely gift yu have made!

  3. Marie, I hope you have a fabulous evening. I'm confident your gift will be well received, gifts from the heart always are.

  4. I am sure she will love it! Have a wonderful time celebrating with them.

    Debbie K

  5. That's just beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  6. Very lovely! I think we all need to be reminded to wait on the Lord at one time or another. I'm sure she will love it.

  7. A beautiful gift, dear Marie,- she will love it, I`m sure.

  8. It's a beautiful gift. I think especially meaningful because you made it. I am sure she will love it.


  9. How nice that your boss does that for all of you. Sweet gift for his wife too. Hope you have a great time

  10. Very nice! I'm sure it will make her feel special! Patsy from


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!