Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I'm taking a test at noon tomorrow.  In the (distant) past when I was preparing for a test I'd have stacks of books, paper and pens piled all around me.  But now it's all about clear liquids!
Check out the yummy stuff I get to eat all day today. 
Mmmmm, Mmmmm, Good!

This last one will be the mainstay of my diet.  McDonald's Iced Tea.
1/2 sweet.  1/2 unsweet.
My very favorite thing to drink...besides a nice cold glass of H2O.
Let the fun begin.
Have a great day...I know I'm going to!


I'm a little anxious about this test....so I'll be casting all my cares upon Him, because He cares for me.  Thank you Abby for this sweet image.



  1. OH, those tests are always fun...I'll say a little prayer, Marie! Thanks so much for stopping by my linens post...love the pillow flap idea!

  2. Sending up a prayer for you dear friend...blessings

  3. I enjoyed this diet about three weeks ago. Yummy! Lifting you up in prayer!

  4. I love chicken broth and sweet tea... but I like them without the test at the end. Good luck to you, we'll be praying.

  5. Those tests are always such a pain. Why is it than when you have to restrict what you eat it automatically makes you more hungry?
    Wishing you good results on your test

  6. Hoping everything goes smoothly tomorrow. I dreaded my first one (4 months after my surgery last year) but it was much easier than I thought and now I'm safe for 5 years!I'll say a prayer and you'll get a big nap when you come home.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!