Thursday, May 24, 2012


Remember that amazing quirky lamp I showed you last week?  Well here's a look at a few other things I bought on the same trip to my favorite thrift store.

I found this piece of fabric...a pretty red and white cotton print. It, along with the crocheted doily, will be used in the same room as that lamp.  I still haven't decided what color to paint that lamp.  But the walls have been painted a soft, buttery yellow.  I also ordered a new quilt.  So, slowly but surely progress is being made and it will all come together...eventually. 

Thirteen silver butter spreaders...aren't they pretty!   I want to make more of these sweet "Love Spreaders".  I need to start practicing my metal stamping! At 30 cents each, they were quite a deal!

I love the colorfil graphics on this Domino box and I especially love that the PIPS are also very colorful!  Did you know that the spots on a domino are called PIPS?  I haven't decided what to do with these....I love the box, but I also think that the dominos would look great inside of a glass jar.
This cross-stitch piece will also be in the same room as the doily, lamp, and red & white fabric.  Maybe a wall-hanging....maybe a pillow. Definitely another decision that has to be made!
I'm not going to the thrift store tonight....I'm having dinner with friends instead.  Friends, fun and fellowship.  Real food too! Not that liquid diet that I was eating on Tuesday.  The test went well ~ I have to wait on some additional results ~ but it all looks good!  Thanks for your prayers!! So much!


  1. I love the idea of the " Love Spreaders ", they are so adorable.

  2. What great finds, and I love the ideas you have for them. Who would have thought you could find so many butter spreaders?! Wishing you all the best with your test results! Enjoy your evening.

  3. You found some great stuff to go along with that lamp. I love the quilt in that link.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!