Monday, June 25, 2012

Something Cute

For the month of June I'll be participating in a Photo A Day Challenge. One prompt, one photo, & few words. The daily prompt is the title of each post. Click on the link below for more information.

"Actually something cute times four.  Three of the cuties are fresh out of the pool, having a picnic on Gramma's floor.  Can you tell they're watching a DVD?  The 4th cutie, well he's just sitting there being cute...."

(Gotta be honest here...these photos were taken yesterday. I knew I wouldn't see anything cuter today though, so I just needed to use these today!!!)


  1. Totally cute, Marie,- they almost forgets to eat :-)
    Hugs to grandma-
    x Dorthe

  2. When I read "Something Cute" I just knew it would be this pack of cutie pies! I can't get over how big everyone is getting.
    I do recognize the DVD glazed over look. Charlie gets that look and then hears nothing else.
    Have a good week. I leave on Thursday for NYC and New Jersey tovisit my daughter and also my son & DIL and my sister and her family. David will join us next Monday. We need a little's been hectic around here!
    Hugs to you!

  3. I say you have to save cute when you can for those days when you won't see it :) These 4 are definitely cute

  4. Marie, sooooo cute! Pj

  5. Hi Marie, I saw your smiling face on Joyce's blog and just had to follow it here. I think your photo challenge is very interesting. The smiling faces are my favorite! Yeah for new furniture, oh how I wish it were me!
    Just wanting to say hello! Elizabeth

  6. Could anything be more cute that grandkids?!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!