Monday, June 18, 2012

Something you might not know about me

For the month of June I'll be participating in a Photo A Day Challenge. One prompt, one photo, & few words. The daily prompt is the title of each post. Click on the link below for more information.

June - Photo A Day Challenge

"I am a bit of a hoarder. And this is only a peek....!!"

Photo - craft scissor border courtesy of Picmonkey.


  1. Oooo the secret is out now :) Just kidding! I spotted lots of treasures in that peek! I'd hang on to those goodies too!!!

  2. I've been enjoying your daily photos! Yes, I suspected you were a bit of a hoarder... but that's not junk, those are treasures and I know without a doubt that you will turn each of them into something beautiful in it's own time!

  3. That's not really hoarding. That's a creative mind's treasure trove! And look how organized you are!

  4. I think all crafty people are. I tend to try and hide some of it from my husband though :)

  5. ok, marie, i think that you and my mother are kindred spirits!!!
    this looks like her stash, no kidding.



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!