Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fun in the Fall

I'm still not real good at taking photos on bright sun shiny my color is off in these a bit....but they do a great job of showing off all the fun we had at the pumpkin farm!!  We rode a tractor out to the pumpkin patch...did some sliding...hid in a tire...picked some pumpkins...strolled through the corn maze...did a little growing...and fed a few goats.  I'm not sure who had more fun.  The big people or the little people??
Here we are....all of us except for Kevin.  He had school work to get done.  Even I'm in the photo. Well sorta...that's my shadow down in the lower right corner.  It kind of blends in with the pumpkins!


Riding out to the pumpkin patch.

Growing tall.
After the fun fall festivities we headed to Cracker Barrel for dinner.  Here I am (looking wind blown and worn out) sitting at the kiddie table.  The other seven adults are enjoying their meal at a table behind did that happen?  Or yeah...this gramma volunteered to sit with the little ones.  And I loved every minute of it!

It was a very good day!


  1. What a wonderful post Marie!!! Your grandbabies are just beautiful ~ it looks like you all had such a fun day together!!! I hope you are doing so good sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  2. I beg to differ with your first sentence... You take amazing photos in any kind of light. That picture in the restaurant... oh my! What a handful of little guys! I would be exhausted by the end of a day with them, but smiling from ear to ear. They look so fun!

  3. I loved this post...smiles all the way through. You do have a precious family...your love for one another shines through in those beautiful pictures...blessings dear friend.

  4. Taking photos in bright sun is the most difficult. So many shadows. You did a great job!! Love the photo of the three big kids at the end!

  5. It looks like so much fun. I hope to get out to a couple of pumpkin patches myself this week-end. I love the pictures. What memories you all have made. And remember, sometimes the conversation at the kiddie table is so much more interesting! :)

  6. That does look like a lot of fun no matter what age you are. That sure is one nice pumpkin farm too. Love all the shots of the kids and that last one is awesome

  7. Darling grandchildren and a perfectly beautiful day!!! Praise God, pj

  8. Oh, I am smiling ear to ear ~ such fun times and such precious family! Makes me want to join you all :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!