Monday, November 5, 2012

Gift Bags

About a month ago, I saw these little (about 4 x 6 inches) gift bags at Michaels...they were priced $1.29 for a package of four bags!  What a deal!  I had to buy them...I didn't know what I was going to do with them, but for that price I had to buy them.  In fact I had to buy three packages of them!!  Do you ever do that?  Buy something because it's such a bargain...even though you have no idea what you'll do with it.  I do it too evidenced by my work room, the storage room and the garage.  I never know when an idea will pop into my head...and I like to be prepared.  I'm really prepared.......
I have piles of lace and trims, and a drawer full of buttons.  So I used some of my stash and embellished these little bags a bit.  Now, I think they're perfect little gift bags for sweet little treasures!
Less than two weeks until the craft show. I've been doing a lot of creating....and I plan on doing a lot more!  It's crunch time...I see minimal sleep ahead.  Wish me luck!



  1. LOL, Marie, yes that happens to me too from time to time. That kind of purchases do not always become something so wonderful like your bags though. They turned out fabulous and should sell very well. Have fun with more creating and don't forget to sleep!

  2. They are so little sweet beautiful bags, dear Marie,--here we seldom have such wonderful offers, in the shops,-but occationally I do find pieces to create with or on.
    Hugs and have fun-Dorthe

  3. Gorgeous little bags, so sweet.

  4. That is the exact reason I need to stay away from Joann Fabrics' clearance section. Buying without a plan is good only if you have places to store everything. :-) Great bargain and they turned out beautifully.

  5. Oh Marie! These are so pretty! They certainly have many more uses now. I am guilty of stockpiling things like that. That's why I'm trying to de-clutter my craft supplies. :)

  6. Can any crafter ever pass up a bargain on something? I know I can't.
    I love what you did with those little bags. They look wonderful


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!