Friday, December 14, 2012

In The Mail

My goal has always been to have my Christmas gifts (for my family in Michigan) mailed before the 15th of December.  I don't think I've ever been sucessful...until this year!  Woo Hoo!  The packages are wrapped, tagged and packed in a big box....they'll be on their way to my mom's house by this afternoon!  I love checking things of my to-do list. Check!!


  1. I know Marie! Makes you feel so good to get things accomplished, doesn't it??? I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas sweet friend!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  2. And that looks like SO MUCH FUN! I'll bet you really enjoyed packing the box with those beautiful gifts!


  3. What pretty are a head of me dear friend. Did you receive your package from me ? Hope you enjoy it...just a little Christmas cheer...thought the babies would love that Gingerbread baby book....Christmas blessings

  4. I know it feels good to check one more thing off the list! Can you believe we're getting so close? Enjoy your week-end, and check, check, check off that list!

  5. Way to go Marie. Time always seems to slip by me when it comes to things like that. I think I have lots of time and the next thing I know it's way past the time I should have had things done


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!