Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pinned It!

 Did it too!!  
My oldest son Kevin is kind of hard to buy gifts for.  He has very specific likes and dislikes, and what he does like is usually out of our budget.  Instead of giving him things he really doesn't want or need we decided to give him "money" for Christmas. 
But I really didn't want to just hand him a check or a gift card or cash in a regular sort of way.
I saw THIS on Pinterest and decided it was the perfect solution!  I think Kevin liked it too.  Bill, Mandy and I enjoyed preparing the box as well.  Someone had to eat all the candy in it!!!



  1. Ooh, that's so cute and SO you, Marie! I'm glad you made somebody happy with a personalized gift, and shared the making of it with your family too! I bet you had a wonderful holiday!

  2. Cute I wonder if he bought himself some candy with that money? :) Blessings

  3. Oh I love this. My son is hard to buy for also and I was trying to come up with a good way to just give him money. I'll have to do this one next year

  4. Money and hugs are the perfect gifts -- one size fits all. :) Cute way to gift the money. Wishing you health and happiness in the new year. Tammy

  5. Very unique idea...I liked the "somebody had to eat the candy" part the best!

  6. good morning Marie! You and I were thinking alike here too.... I did this for our grandson, Jared.

    John and I are up in NY visiting our daughter and I haven't been on my computer so I am very behind reading blogs. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!