Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas Gifts and an Update

I can't believe we're over two weeks into the new year.  My Christmas tree is still up.  There are even a few unwrapped gifts tucked beneath it.  Some Christmas vignettes are still on display...others are dismantled and piled on the dining room table.  I just haven't managed to accomplish (more about this word next week) much of anything. 
The sky has been overcast...and my mood has been equally dreary.  Adding a sick grandchild into the mix....well it all just equals BLAH!  Yesterday I was trying to decide what to blog about and I was coming up empty.  Then I saw those unwrapped gifts under the tree....hmmmm, maybe I'll share some photos of my Christmas bounty.  
Here's a peek at one of my gifts.
I've tried my hand at knitting and my fingers just don't want to cooperate. 
I thought these looms might be worth trying. 

Katie, Mandy, Mark and Charlotte gave me the Loom Knitting Primer and a gift card for Michael's.  

Being the good shopper that I am...and having a fondness for 40% off coupons,
I was able to get both the round loom set and one long loom. 

Plus I still have enough $$ left to get some yarn! 
I think I'm going to try making a couple hats....but I'd really like to make a couple of these cute ponchos!
Wish me luck......a little motivation might help as well!

Charlotte update:
She saw her Pediatrician Wednesday.  Her temperature has been just under 100 degrees and that is a huge praise!!  She still has some signs of Pneumonia and some fluid in one ear.  Katie will be doing some therapy with Charlotte to help with the lungs.  She has a follow-up appointment on Friday.
The doctor, when told that Charlotte's not eating much, prescribed ice cream sandwiches for lunch!  Someone was very happy to hear that...but she did decide that Neapolitan and a cone was more to her liking.


  1. That little Charlotte... I just want to hug her... The way you write about her and the pictures you post make me feel as if I know her. If you have Santa photos of the little ones please send them! I still want to do a drawing of a child with Santa! My email is
    Glad to see your family is feeling better!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your granddaughter...hope she is feeling better. My youngest granddaughter lives with us and is sick with fever, much junk going around this year. I love those looms...I'm looking forward to seeing a project!

  3. Take a deep breath, friend. I'm so glad your grand daughter is on the mend, how could she not be with ice cream sandwiches for lunch! All the "stuff" will get done, the tree will come down, and ponchos will be knitted. Enjoy your day.

  4. I have some of those looms. I've only made scarves with them so far. I did start on a hat over a year ago but never managed to finish it.
    Good news on Charlotte and how cool that the doctor prescribed ice cream

  5. Bless her heart she stills looks like she isn't feeling well. You should have some fun with those knitting looms....can't wait to see what you create :) Blessings


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!