Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Joe!!!

Today Joe is 34 years old...we've racked up a lot of memories
in those 34 years.
Here's a few of them.
Elijah, Joe, Johanna, and Caleb

Joe and his sandwich.

Happy Birthday to You!
I love you Joe!
Hope you're having at GREAT day!


  1. Aw, and he's still your little boy, isn't he? My daughter turned 23 last week, and son turns 26 next week. Since they live far away now, I sent her a huge box full of gifts and things to make her smile. She has started a little tradition called "Throwback Thursday" and "Two-Pic Tuesday" when we exchange old family photos through email. It's been so fun, sharing our favorite memories that way every week. I love your Santa photos, by the way. Is it okay if I save the first one for a reference photo?

  2. Happy Birthday to Joe! What a beautiful family he has!

  3. Happy Birthday to Joe. Hope he enjoyed his day


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!