Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kevin to the Rescue

Look what greeted me Monday morning....a message almost identical to this one popped up on my laptop.  Sunday afternoon my son Kevin was visiting and we discussed how my laptop was getting older.  Kevin loves to encourage upgrading our electronics....but we agreed that my laptop would probably be fine for a while.  Yeah....right.

Bill delivered my laptop to Kevin last night for a quick back up.  I think we'll be ordering a new hard drive....I've left the laptop and decisions about it's future in Kevin's capable hands.  If nothing else , the timing is good.  Jacqi and Penelope are visiting "Grandma in Florida", so he'll have some free time to help his mother. 
It's so wonderful to have a computer geek in the family!
Don't you love Penelope's springy pony tails!
Not sure how my missing laptop will impact my blogging attempts. 
We'll just have to see what happens!


  1. I think every family should have their own computer geek. Penelope's springy pony tails are adorable

  2. Yes,I love her beautiful ponytails and sweet smile! I could use a geek for my pc...I have to run it in safe mode just to get somewhere :) Blessings friend...hope you have yours back soon,running better than ever :)

  3. Ahhh...the joys of computer issues. Mine has been acting up too lately. Hope it all goes well and doesn't affect your posting. Hope your Tuesday started off better!

  4. Oh Marie, hard drive problems /replacement can be quite expensive. May be worth checking out a new one? Lucky you have a techie in the family! Your grandgirl is adorable! xo


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!