Friday, April 12, 2013

My Tweedles - My Girls

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum....nearly identical in every way.
Katie and Mandy are such good daughters...they humor me and pose for this picture whenever we go to Downtown Disney.  This is from our February trip.
They're not identical....they're not even twins. Although they regularly get asked that question.  There's definitely a difference in their looks in this photo. Katie's the one on the left...she's rockin' the baby bump!  My fifth grandbaby will be here in less than two months!!! 
Their tee shirts say:
"It's Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible."
"To All Who Come to This Happy Place: Welcome."
Both quotes by Walt Disney

Have a Happy Weekend!!


  1. This started off my day with a smile. Your family sure does "fun" in a fun way! You will all have great memories of your many Disney adventures.
    Have a fun weekend dear friend!

  2. I have always thought they could pass as twins. Congrats on a new grand baby on the way.....maybe one day you will catch up with me :) Blessings sweet friend

  3. Sweet girls! And, they do look a lot alike :)

  4. They DO look like twins! 5 GRANDBABIES!!! Sweetness!!!
    You're a treasure~ I'm sure they are more than happy to take such fun photographs for you :)

  5. They are two very sweet girls!! Pj

  6. They may not be twins but there's no denying they are sisters.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!