Monday, December 9, 2013

It Snowed....and the Winners!

The three biggest 'littles' were very happy to see snow falling from the sky yesterday.  Each of them got to enjoy some snow time!!  I 'borrowed' some photos of them, from their parents, to share with you.

Love this photo of Elijah watching the snow. He actually played outside twice...but the snow was so fluffy he couldn't make the snowman he wanted to. His other grandma came to the rescue his 'flat' snowman!!
The best snowman making snow was by Charlotte's house....looks like the best
tasting snow was there too!

Penelope really wanted to go outside and blow bubbles in the snow...she finally
convinced her daddy to go out with her.
 The two littlest 'littles' passed on the snow, but I still managed to find
some photos of them to that was hard!!  : )

Thanksgiving dinner was rough for Caleb...he was
REALLY tired! 
Final score: SLEEP - 1, GOLDFISH CRACKERS - 0.

Little Miss Lulu celebrated her 7 month birthday yesterday.
Love that sweet smile!!

Now for the winners of the giveaway!

   I asked Bill to pick two numbers between 1 and 8. 
He chose 3 and 7....that means Ann and Peggy win!! 
Here's their VERY NICE comments. 
Congratulations to both of you!!! 
Ann said...
It's been a pleasure being part of your blogging experience. I'm very happy that I found your blog and I always enjoying seeing what you're making. You've inspired more than one project.
For years I had an angel on the top of my tree but a couple years ago I bought a star.

Anonymous (Peggy) said...
Marie, I have so enjoyed your blog over the years. You are the one who introduced me to the world of blogging. So many talented people like you out there. Glad you have been able to reach others with your sweet Marie spirit that those of us who know you personally appreciate and love. Pj

1 comment:

  1. oh wow, what a wonderful surprise.
    The pictures are all wonderful too and the improvised snowman is pure genius. I love it


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!