Thursday, December 12, 2013

Making It Festive!

 I've been trying to decorate for Christmas since the day after Thanksgiving....I've also had a miserable head cold since the day after Thanksgiving!  Ugh!
The decorating is moving along at a snail's pace!
Slowly but surely, I am getting it done!
Here's a look at a couple new things I picked up this year.
A small wreath for my front door, and some garland for the family room.

Is your decorating done yet?  I bet it is!!


  1. Nevermind the decorating... go take pictures of the grandkids on Santa's lap for me! I hope your cold goes away and doesn't turn into anything that keeps you down during the holidays. Marie, I can just imagine how much you are doing for your beautiful family this season, and all the special times you're all sharing. You have such a wonderful gang!

  2. I like these, very prim looking.
    My decorating is as done as it's going to get. I have no desire to do it and what my daughter did last weekend, well whenever I look at it I think it looks like an elf threw up in my living


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!