Thursday, January 2, 2014

Road Trip, and a possible Sugar Overload.

  Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's Through the tunnel and under the bay to Joe and Jo's house we go.  I know it's pretty sad...but I couldn't help myself.  Even sadder...we didn't actually go to their house, but we did go to their neighborhood!  We met them at The Avenue for lunch and a bit of shopping. 
I snapped this photo at the end of our day together.

A little shopping and reading at Barnes & Noble.  Love the photo of Elijah reading to
Charlotte and Penelope.

Lulu did some shopping A.C. Moore with her momma.

Shopping for a blanket at Pier 1...Elijah was testing the warmth of it in this photo.

Dinner at Red Brick Station, with free coloring books from one of the stores we stopped at.
My two favorite photos from this family outing.  Caleb does not often 'engage' with me...this
little bit of playing with him was so wonderful.  Elijah LOVES Lulu...this shows it perfectly! 

Charlotte hugging a duck, Penelope riding a duck, and Elijah enjoying it all.

Inspecting the giant tree and it's ornaments.

The giant tree...with soldier and drum. Caleb liked the drum way more than he liked
posing for a photo.
Hugging the soldier.
Couldn't resist sharing these two photos.  Lulu was well bundled up during our family outing, and
later that night she was hanging out under her Christmas tree.
Three days later I got to join Charlotte at her school.  Her kindergarten class was making gingerbread houses and I volunteered to help.

Charlotte's gingerbread creation
Don't you love the heart on the roof?!

My favorite part is this stack of gummy Lifesavers
on a pretzel.  When I asked her what this was she said,
"gummy Lifesavers on a pretzel".  : ) 

I love having this's really helping me to remember the fun times my family has together, among so many other good things.  I sometimes find myself thinking that maybe I share this kind of stuff too often.  But then I remember that this is my blog, my journal, my memories...I should blog about what I want to blog about. And right now I want to 'document' December 2013 and all the good times we had.  So it's still gonna Christmas around here for a bit.

Someday I'm going to get my blog printed into books...6 months in each book.  In July 2014 I'll be celebrating 6 years of blogging!  That'll mean 12 books full of fun!!
I best get busy on those books!



  1. You're right you should blog about what you want to blog about. I love seeing the fun you guys have no matter what the season and it's nice to see Christmas still going on. Love the picture of Elijah and Lulu, that is so cute

  2. I love your blog and all the sharing of your lovely family and your creativity. The books wll be so heartwarming for your children and grandchildren to share all the wonderful memories. You are a blessing to your family and friends. Keep the blog coming. Happy blogging 2014! Pj

  3. I love all of these charming photos! I really do feel as if I know your family through your writing.i blog for the same reason, I could never keep a journal but I like having a visual record of our life. I have been thinking about having it printed, too.
    I look forward to your continued writings for a very long time!
    Did you watch the Winter Classic? Talk about cold!!!

  4. Cute, cute babies!! And I love seeing a peek of the mayhem that was gingerbread house making day. Thanks for being there with her!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!