Monday, April 28, 2014


I haven't done a lot this past's orders (following cataract surgery) were to take it easy for a week.So I listened. It was hard yesterday...the weather was wonderful. A perfect day to dig in the dirt!  But digging in the dirt was on my "do not..." list.  So I read instead.  A whole book.  
I read almost all day.  I can't remember the last time I did that!
I also poked around in my craft room...and took some pictures. 
Here's a peek at some of my "supplies".

You never know when you might need to tie something together.

Vintage postcards...I'll probably never craft with these. They're just pretty to look at.

Some of my buttons.

Vintage sheets

Again, never going to use this to create with...but I love it!  It's a glasses case.

These yardsticks and the red level will be re-purposed and
used in Bill's (someday) library. 

Everyone needs some Washi tape.

Tiny nests.

I have a box-spring full of these...Bill, get out the bolt cutters!

Creating with book pages is fun...too bad I can't bring
myself to tear these apart!

Not a's a really large bulletin board.  A perfect place for treasures.

I can't resist sweet baby shoes.

I'm going to use the flags soon....check this out.

Inspiration and Instruction!

Love when purchases come wrapped in old paper!

My Dad used to have a bunch of these rulers.  We played with them all the time...broke them too!

Jars of supplies.

I have plans for these as well.....inspiration found here and here.
I need to get busy making things....because beginning on May 13th I have to 
follow doctor's orders, and take it easy again.  It's going to be the other eye's turn!!

Happy Monday!!
Take it easy if you get a's kind of nice!


  1. I want to come play in your craft
    I've been practicing taking it easy a lot. I think I almost have it perfected but not quite so I better practice some more

  2. What a wonderful stash of supplies, there are loads I would love to play with.

  3. I am curious...what book did you read? I loved looking into your craft room. You have some awesome things in there. Glad you are following doctor's orders,although I know that is sometimes so difficult to do :) Blessings sweet friend

  4. Your supplies have such comfort and warmth in the way they are displayed! Beautiful! I am glad too you are following orders, but yeah. It's so hard when you want to create! Love and hugs to you!



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!