Friday, April 15, 2016


I don't have a huge back yard...but it's big enough.  Big enough for grandbabies to play in.  
Big enough to relax in.  Big enough to keep us really busy keeping up with it!!
It's big enough for growing too.  And blooming!

There's this gate in our yard that doesn't like to stay open.  There's also this pot.  
The pot has been around for years.  I don't even remember where it came from.  
It makes a really good "fence holder opener".  It's full of dirt and acorns.

It's also full of cracks.  This pot has been through hot Summer days, Autumn afternoons, 
blizzards in the Winter, and, ahhh, Spring time!  
It's been slid back and forth....and battered by small children and their toys.  
It's no wonder that it's full of cracks!

We should have thrown it out long ago.  
Sure glad we didn't, because this little plant thought it was 
the perfect place to bloom!  

I noticed it the other day.  Just growing happily right through the biggest crack in the pot.  It's certainly not the ideal growing location.  It's definitely not the prettiest pot it could be growing in.  But it's where the seed it's blooming right where it's planted!  
Hmmm....seems I've heard something like that before. 

Sometimes we're just called to bloom where we're planted.  
That can be harder than moving on to something new.  
Sometimes where you are is difficult.  But, where you are is never an accident.  
God himself put you there...with a lot of thought and care...and for a purpose.  

Blooming...and growing...out of a crack in a pot.  Not ideal surroundings!  
But don't let your surrounding stop you.  There's always purpose.   
This tough, little plant brought a smile to my face.  
I was delighted to see it thriving in spite of its surroundings.  
It made me happy!
See that!  A purpose!!

By the way...this sweet little plant is a Wild Violet.  
I looked it up online, and most websites call it a difficult or persistant weed.
I say "Bloom On" little weed!!  You're welcome here anytime!! 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 
give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. What a great example of a wonderful message and growing right there in your own back yard :)

  2. That is the most adorable thing I've seen in a long time!!! Wild violets are considered a nuisance, but there's nothing prettier than a field full! I purposely dug them from the "wild" and planted them in my sort of wild side garden. This little violet makes that pot so interesting! It's just perfect!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!