Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Life Is Fragile....

Somebody said this to me the other day.
"I'm just tired of nothing being simple.  
It's discouraging."

Somebody said this to me too.
"She is really upset. 
She's just had a really bad day."

This as well.
"Every time I overcome one obstacle, another 
is waiting around the corner."

And... "It's always something!"

And then there's all that sadness in the news....everyday it seems.  
Sometimes I feel so helpless...and I wish I could fix things. 
But I can't.  So I pray.

"Here are my directions:  
Pray much for others; plead for God's mercy upon them; 
give thanks for all He is going to do for them."
1 Timothy 2:1 TLB


  1. Isn't that the truth. Love it Marie.

  2. Hello my sweet sister in Christ Marie. It's been so long since I stopped by. It feels so good visiting you again. It's very hard trying to live a "simple life" in such a frantic world,but.....God! Your advice is the best! I pray fror you and yours,that all is well,and blessings abound. Hugs , Shelley

  3. God is our only hope when we go through a dark, troubling time. I know I am so glad He has made the way to live with Him forever simple, even if nothing else in this life is easy to understand. Thank you for the beautiful words of encouragement and your beautiful needlework!

  4. Those are PERFECT "directions"! Thank you, @spunbyme!

  5. So glad you are blogging again :).

  6. Love this verse, especially the TLB version you shared here. Some days I feel like I'm whispering prayers all day long for all the hurt and sadness that bombards us. Love the embroidery. I made one years ago and still have it. Love the way yous is framed.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!