Sunday, February 15, 2009

HE is able

He is able more than able
To accomplish what concerns me today
He is able more than able
To handle anything that comes my way
He is able more than able
To do much more than I could ever dream
He is able more than able
To make me what He wants me to be


I was reminded of this in a powerful way today ~ the Lord wants me to be more than I am right now. He wants something better for me in a particular area of my life ~ and He is more than able to make a way for it to be accomplished.

I was reminded of this today ~ and I needed it.
I was reminded of His plans for me ~ I was reminded of hope and a future.

God is good.......


  1. Thank you.... I needed to be reminded of this today. :)

    How was the shopping trip?


  2. That is so good
    and true for me,
    as well. I need
    to remember this
    DAILY. Jer. 29:11
    is one of my fave
    verses of all times.

    Yeah, do tell about
    what you came away
    with from Nordstroms!
    Ya can't beat a good bargain. : )


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!