Saturday, February 21, 2009

Springtime's Coming!

I received my March/April issue of Victoria magazine yesterday. It's full of Spring! I haven't had time to read through it but I did have some time to enjoy the section called Reader to Reader. Magazine readers were encouraged to share "the signs they look for that indicate springtime is finally on its way".
I loved what Ty Walker of Springfield, Missouri said.....

As the days grow longer and the darkness of winter fades a little each week, my heart begins to lift with thoughts of light and warmth. Even my bones seem to crackle and pop as I, along with the good earth, begin to thaw. And every year, upon seeing my first little robin, I joyfully whisper, "We made it!"

I like winter ~ but I think that this year I'm quite ready for springtime to arrive!

Thank you to The Graphic Fairy for the Robin ~ see my right sidebar for a link.


  1. I'm quite ready for spring too. I'm going to try and be a morning runner this those robins will be my company each day. *grin*

  2. Marie, you've been really busy posting this week!

    I'm so glad you liked everything I sent. Congratulations on being one of the give-away winners!

    Dontcha just love blogging! :-)



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!