Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two Surprises Today!

I had two surprises today. The first one made me sad ~ the second surprise made me very happy!

Surprise #1
It was very windy today ~ our tree couldn't handle it.

Fortunately there weren't any cars in our driveway when the tree fell! It was standing up when Bill left for work, but when I opened the door to leave for work about an hour later, I was greeted by this! It never made a sound ~ just tipped right over at ground level.

A couple of the branches were showing signs of disease last fall. We were going to have to have it trimmed at least ~ not anymore!
Here's my second (HAPPY) surprise!

Elijah came to visit me at work today. What a treat that was. I was very happy to see him ~ kind of hard to tell!


  1. Gee, thank goodness you were not anywhere near the tree - or the cars. Now that would have been bad. What a lovely photo of you and Elijah! I'm sure it was just stage fright!

  2. This may sound funny but I love trees and hate to see when they break or fall over. Thankfully no one was hurt and at least it looks like it will be easy to remove.

    I love those surprise visits from my grandson. Its amazing how no matter the mood, they can put a smile on our faces.

    Take Care,

  3. Marie~ Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Please stop by again....I am always doing something, cooking, crafting, praising the Lord and so on!

    Glad the tree did not fall into your house or car! Cute little baby too! Have a wonderful weekend! T

  4. We have been having strange weather this winter...all over the country. Thank God that the tree just fell silently and didn't damage your car or you! I'm sure Elijah's visit made you smile all day-even after he left!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!