Thursday, February 19, 2009

Watch the Birdie!

I wish this little photo did justice to the original pencil drawing. I found the pencil drawing at a thrift store several years ago. It's 16x20 in size and it's beautifully drawn. I would have liked to scan it for you all ~ but my scanner isn't large enough ~ and it's framed and hanging in my bathroom!
It's the sweetest little bird ~ and did you notice the tiny ladybug sitting on the broken tree stump?

Please left click to enlarge and right click to save it for your own if you'd like.


  1. He's a chubby one-the kind we like. The ladybug is very sweet. This went right into my birds & bugs folder-thanks Marie.

  2. how sweet is that!!! what a great find:) that is one precious bird...thanks for stopping over to visit with me!!

  3. Hi my spring swap friend,

    I love the picture of that little bird. I could be a bird watcher, given the time! Maybe, I need to
    carve out the time, huh?!

    I found something for your box yesterday, God is soooooo good!
    This is gonna be FUN! It's my first swap EVER.......thinking of
    you and looking forward to putting a special box together for you.

    Have a beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful day!: }


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!